The Essential Tips to Reduce Work Stress

The cuts of personnel, the low expectations of development within the companies, the socioeconomic changes and the difficulties of reconciling personal life with work, among other reasons, have contributed to the welfare of workers has been significantly affected.

This has led much research in the field of organizational psychology to have focused on this line of work, and thanks to this much progress have been made in understanding why this phenomenon occurs and what can be done to prevent and reduce it.

Labor stress: a multifactorial phenomenon InventHelp Products
Stress is a multifactorial phenomenon that has its origin not only in the factors of the workplace (the excess of tasks, monotony, etc.), but there are many causes that may cause its appearance.
Organizational factors like new technologies also influence the onset and development of stress. Some examples are the leadership styles of the superiors, the organizational communication the possibilities of promotion within the company, the human resource policies of the companies or the relationship with the co-workers.

This last point is especially important since social support cannot only become a stressor but can act as a buffer. In other words, when stress has occurred, the relationship with coworkers can reduce the impact of stress on an individual.


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