Technological Inventions Related To Health

Smart machines are possible thanks to technology, such as television, Internet, autonomous transport, and even the entire communications and information processing base that banking operations enable.

Besides, technology has allowed us to access knowledge and information in just one click and connect with our loved ones from a distance and, practically, InventHelp Technology from anywhere.

Today we are going to discuss a type of technology that has a great impact on the improvement of conditions and quality of life: the technology applied to health. We tell you about five recent inventions in this field.

Detect cancer early

A new company called Grail has been created to help detect the first symptoms of cancer, to be able to treat it more effectively. According to Grail, cancer identified early is five times more likely to be treated successfully. The company is looking for the possibility of creating the first universal device to identify this disease prematurely. The device would work by measuring the level of nucleic acids and collecting information about the DNA in the blood that circulates outside the red blood cells.


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